New York Film Academy
申请基本要求: 1.All applicants to New York Film Academy programs and workshops must have a high school diploma or acceptable equivalent by the time of the course start date. There is no minimum GPA required; however, students must speak English and express a serious desire to explore the art and craft of visual storytelling. Applicants will be interviewed in English by an Admissions Committee member by phone or in person. 2.All applicants must possess the drive and commitment necessary to complete a rigorous, total immersion program. They must be able to communicate well and work collaboratively with others in an artistic environment. Each program requires different Supplemental Materials. 3.Recruitment leading to enrollment is conducted in English. In order to enroll, students sign an enrollment agreement that includes the terms and conditions and all cancellation and refund policies of their program. If English is not the student's primary language, and the student is unable to understand the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, the student shall have the right to obtain a clear explanation of the terms and conditions and all cancellation and refund policies in his or her primary language.
电影创作:38000$/年 二年制艺术硕士 影视表演:31500$/年 两年 电影制片:38000$/年 两年 剧本创作:28000$/年 两年 纪录片创作:38000$/年 两年 图片摄影:38000$/年 两年 电影创作:38000$/年 三年制艺术学士 影视表演:31500$/年 三年 电影创作:33000$/年 两年制副学士
影视表演:31500$/年 两年
曾经在纽约电影学院学习过的人包括:Owen Kline (Kevin Kline和[[Phoebe Cates的儿子), 马克思斯皮尔伯格([[史蒂夫 斯皮尔伯格的儿子), 杰克罗宾斯(蒂姆罗宾斯的儿子), Glen Hansard(电影Star男主角和"The Frames" 乐队的主唱),Brett Ratner (尖峰时刻和X战警-最后立场的导演), Jessica Lee Rose(前YouTube show "lonelygirl15"的主角,目前是美国广播公司的家庭节目"Greek"的女演员),特别值得一提的是,目前国内的新锐导演戴睿也是NYFA的毕业校友。还有中国R&B天王胡彦斌于2011年在此学校进修。
纽约电影学院全年为初学者,本科生和研究生提供可以迅速入门的电影制作课程,在暑期学院会在别的地方提供短期的课程,并且会在哈佛大学,普林斯顿大学,佛罗里达,巴黎和佛罗伦萨开展研讨会。学院还提供了电影表演课程。在纽约和好莱坞的环球片场开设的一学年制中包括了从导演到编剧,从摄像到后期电影剪辑的诸多课程。其中的1年期节目,从指挥到screenwriting ,从摄影到电影剪辑,是设在纽约,环球片场。纽约电影学院师资力量雄厚,许多NYFA的教师赢得了蒂施艺术学院,哥伦比亚大学,伊丽莎白泰勒学院,南加州大学和加州大学洛杉矶校区等大学的很多奖项。 入学申请表:
可以在这里看到我们的所有的申请要求。包括: 学校的整体招生政策:http://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/admissions-requirements.php 艺术硕士学位申请要求:http://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/mfa-admissions.php 艺术学士学位申请要求:http://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/bfa-admissions.php 艺术副学士学位申请要求:http://www.nyfa.edu/admissions/afa-admissions.php
孙同学-电影创作 BFA 马同学-影视制作 BFA 宋同学-平面设计 BFA 张同学-电影创作 MFA |