摘要:由于每一个专业都有不同的专业课程,认识了解这写require课程的最好方法是直接到Course Planing 的 Degree Audit 里面看。Degree Audit 里面会说明毕业所需要的不同课程与credit,当然还有细分到
由于每一个专业都有不同的专业课程,认识了解这写require课程的最好方法是直接到Course Planing 的 Degree Audit 里面看。Degree Audit 里面会说明毕业所需要的不同课程与credit,当然还有细分到每个学期必须修的课。同时也会提供高度建议一些跟专业相关的课程。当然也不一定要跟着Degree Audit上面的安排,也可以根据个人需要来更换课程。尽管如此,小编还是建议大家经常对照个人安排课程与Degree Audit的课程。
Course planning Wizard是Course Planning里面另外一个非常重要的东东。这是寻找跟了解课程的一个很不错的选择。在这里面选择Degree Audit上面要求的课程,Course Planning wizard会帮你找到不同的选择。例如要选择一节室内设计作为的stuido 课,它会筛选出Design, Architectural drawings, Lighting, Color 等等的课程。
Every major has different requirements. In order to briefly look through the required courses, degree audit will be the fastest guide for understanding what is expected. Degree Audit basically has guidance to how much credits you need and what classes must be completed in different areas. It also tells you what is highly recommended to take each semester. You may not take exactly the way the degree audit suggests, however it will be very useful to check along the way.
Course Planning Wizard is another helpful application in our academic tools. It helps you to search for classes that you are looking for. Within the selected courses from your degree audit, course planning wizard will pick out different options available for you. For example, if you had to take a course from interior design for studio class, it will provide options such as Design, Architectural drawings, Lighting, Color and Materials and etcetera.
Worksheet and Advisor
Worksheet 是保存选课的愿望单。学生跟advisor所选的课程都会显示在这里面(不等于一定可以注册到这些课),同时也可以保存希望修这些课的时间。假设小编选择了修INT-601 Qualifying Design I,小编可以直接选择希望修这一节课的学期(2015fall或者是2016spring)。当然,worksheet上面的课在经过在注册之后会自动转移到注册课表上。
当完成的课程的worksheet之后,然后就要找advisor了。Advisor会根据选择的课程提出建议和意见。更重要的的advisor会approve work sheet上面的的课。然后才可以从里面注册。由advisor选择的课可以直接注册,不需要再经过approve。小编建议大家先选择大量的课程,这样在见advisor的时候可以省下很多时间,同时也给自己多一些选择。
Worksheet is an area you can keep lists of classes you may want to take. You can keep track of when you want to take certain classes. For instance, if you choose to take an INT-601 Qualifying Design I Class, you can keep that on your worksheet with specific term. This record will be removed from worksheet once you take the class.
When you have the list of classes you would like to take, you would have to see your academic advisor. He or She will gladly guide you if the classes you have chosen are at appropriate levels or timewise logical. After they have gone through it with you, they will approve your plan. It is convenient to have more courses approved than the courses you are able to register.
Approval and Registration
经过advisor approve 的课才能注册。在正常情况下,只有那些没有先决课程跟已经完成先决课程的课才会被approve。如果需要或者希望修一些不同专业的课程,可以先问advisor,他们会告诉你找相关department去聊,然后才有机会修这些课。更多地时候这些department会说有机会修这些课但是要在他们自己department的学生完成注册之后才会approve这些课。
Registration是修这些课之前的最后一步。同时也是最好(keng)玩(die)的的一步。每个学生都会被分在不同时间线。到了规定时间才能对worksheet上面的课进行注册。注册时间一般从高年级到低年级划分,然后再根据已修学分从多到少划分(还有一说是GPA的多少,在相同年级相同学分的情况下如果GPA高比GPA低的先选)。正常情况下好(不等于容易)的老师的课会被很快的填满。就是说,修不到想修或者是必修的课的可能性是非常大的(所以建议大家还是努力学习尽量多修)。同时地理更有优势的课程也是一样。例如本科生一般都在Brooklyn校区,如果有一节核心课程有Brooklyn校区跟Manhattan校区,那么正常情况下Brooklyn校区的那节会立马被填满。根据小编的经验去Manhattan上一节课来回需要5-6小时(包括上课时间)。但是作为回报Manhattan的老师会更有实践经验。言归正传,如果注册不到首选课就要从大家的备胎上面选了。就如上面提到让大家选多一些课给advisor approve。如果备胎都没有了,那就只能回到course planning wizard上重新选然后再让advisor approve了。最后提一下本科生的credit上限是18学分每学期,研究生是12。一般不给多修除非是精力超人,当然更重要的就是钱的问题了。多修就多给。本科全职学生学分下限是14,研究生是9。非全职学生一般情况下不可以收到奖学金。
Approval is required before registration. If you would like to take intensive courses or Research courses specifically for your major, you would need to confirm it first with your own department beforehand. As well as for your pre-thesis courses, they do require intimate care with your department’s advisement before processing registration. If you are in need of taking interdepartmental classes, make sure you know who you would have to see in order to get the approval.
Registration is the last step before taking the class, yet the most intense part. Each student will be given specific time when their registration opens. (Higher year students’ registration opens first, then the following year students’. Within the same year, the order is decided based on the amount of credits to be taken that semester. More credits required, earlier your registration shall open.) Popular classes will be filled up first. You may not be able to take the classes at the time you wanted or the classes with the professor you wanted. (Brooklyn campus classes are also usually filled up first.) If that is your case, you could return to other approved plans and register from there. Surplus amount of approved plans are simply your back up plan. However you do not need to worry too much, since graduate students are prioritized to register first; spaces will be available. You will not be able to register for additional credits than “credits needed”, (For graduate students, the minimum and Maximum boundaries of credits per semester are 9 to 12.) unless you pay for the additionals.
Adding and Dropping Sections
在某些情况下例如课程太难和时间不允许,那么请在register/add/drop section里面作出更改。Dropping_class的deadline能在学校官网上找到。一般在他们的academic 时间表上。在deadline之后dropping class有可能得不到refund。
Once the classes begin and you find a class not quite as you expected, you are allowed to drop the classes in the academic tools. The deadlines for droppings are set. If you want the full refund, earlier the better. After the deadline, you will not be able to claim your refund. Check Pratt calendar for detailed dates for each semester’s deadline.